Saturday 4 February 2012

Hi everyone! I’ve written a children’s story about bullying in order to raise money to donate to the charity organisation 'Beatbullying' with which I've been involved and which makes a great impact on children's lives. 
Please take a few minutes to view my campaign called 'Caterpillar Pauline' on Indiegogo: 

<iframe src="" width="210px" height="400px" frameborder="1" scrolling="no"></iframe>  

Any contribution will be very much appreciated! :)
Thank you very much!

Tuesday 6 December 2011

Ready for a day full of inspiration and great ideas?
A day with no distractions, with only a pencil and a notebook?

Unlock your imagination!
Join us for the first Creative Writing Workshop of the year on the 8th of January 2012

All levels are welcome!


Part A:
Introductions - goal-setting
Generating ideas – Inspiration – Overcoming writers’ block

short break

Part B:
Creative Writing exercise

short break

Part C:
Reading and commenting on pieces produced in part B, or on pieces brought along

What to bring along:
-An extract that you like/find inspiring or just want to share
-A sample of your own writing (don’t worry if you haven’t got any yet. You’ll have the chance to write something on the day)
-Most importantly, your enthusiasm!

Workshop depends on the existence of sufficient interest. Registration deadline: 31st of December.
Location: Greece - Either Vouliagmeni or Sounio (to be confirmed soon)

To book your place or ask a question, contact Vera at

Sunday 20 November 2011

favourite children's books

Children's books I like:

-‘Forget me not’ by Michael Broad
-‘The odd egg’ by Emily Gravett
-‘Little Mouse and the Big Cupcake’ by Thomas Taylor
‘The Conquerors’ by David McKee

What are yours?